Although we affirm the three Reformed marks of a true church, we do not believe these marks constitute all a faithful church needs. Indeed, a church should be marked by so much more (e.g., prayer, fellowship, and generosity). So in order to foster unity, clarity, and cooperation, Sojourn Houston churches share the following core values:
We continually pursue the fullness of what it means to be united to God as Father, and to Christ and one another as brothers and sisters by the Spirit.
Following the example of Jesus and the early church we strive to lead simple lives and keep simple systems and structures for the sake of missional engagement, radical generosity, and perpetual multiplication.
Our model of ministry is intensely local in that our churches are led by local leaders and made up of local members that are meeting local needs in both word and deed.
We demonstrate and declare compassion, especially to the poor and needy, as a defining characteristic of God’s kingdom, Jesus’ lordship, and the Spirit’s empowering presence.
We pursue the original command of God for his people to fill the earth with his glory by multiplying his presence in the church into every corner of urban Houston. Learn more about how we intend to multiply through church planting by clicking the button below.
Throughout the New Testament, we see the people of God interpreting the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) as a call to plant churches. And we believe planting churches is still the most effective and sustainable way to make and teach and grow disciples today. Our hope is to join in God’s historic and redemptive movement to see the gospel of Jesus made non-ignorable in Houston by saturating the landscape of our city with neighborhood parishes and gospel-centered churches. In addition, each Sojourn Houston church is engaged in mutual partnerships with churches internationally. Through these partnerships, we hope to mobilize men and women to engage in long-term church planting ministry overseas.