Neighborhood Parish Primer


Sojourn is a family of sojourning saints who gather during the week in smaller groups and as a whole church on Sundays.

With a new year comes a renewed commitment to our church being a collection of smaller groups called Neighborhood Parishes that share life together.

In order for us to commit fully, we pause to discuss and pray through our Neighborhood Parish Primer. This primer is designed to guide, resource, and facilitate discussion as our diverse parishes pursue a unified vision for life and ministry in the Spring Branch neighborhood.

Below, you will find a digital copy of the Parish Primer for you to read, discuss, and pray through with your parish.

If you are new, you are welcome to show up to 1649 Gessner and join one of our parishes on Wednesdays at 630pm, Thursdays at 7pm, or Fridays at 630pm.

Note to parishes:

Before you begin every week, pray to the Father, in the name of Jesus, that through Scripture, through the sermons on Sunday, through everyday communal life, and through the words of this primer, the Holy Spirit would work mightily in your midst to produce repentance, holiness, and deep, abiding unity. Pray for His help in moving your parish from theory to practice, from good intentions to grace-driven action, from talking about living on mission to becoming a true gospel community eager to join God in the work of redemption in the Spring Branch neighborhood.

Tony Villatoro