LENT 2022
Journey with us to the cross of Jesus.
Lent is a season within the Christian calendar that leads us on the journey toward the death and resurrection of Jesus. In Jesus, we are not alone in our sufferings.
Download this Lent Devotional to read and pray through. Each day consists of Scripture readings, prayers, and questions for reflection. If you only have 10 minutes to spare, not a problem! If you want to ponder the readings for hours, go for it! Our ultimate aim is to reflect meaningfully upon the death and resurrection of Christ, and our union with Him, while pursuing holiness.
Every Monday, we fast from the Midday Meal
Fasting in the Bible is rarely, if ever, done aimlessly. God’s people fast with purpose, urgency, and a desire to see God to engage with particular concerns, be they corporate, national, or individual in scope. This year, we have an opportunity to hold a fast to the Lord, asking him to move in 3 key areas:
We will pray that God would being peace and justice amidst the Russian-Ukrainian war conflict. May the Lord’s kindness lead to resolution and hope.
We will pray that God would strengthen his global Church to prepare to meet the needs of our neighbors and the nations whatever may come.
We will pray that the God would use the Lenten season to sanctify His bride in Houston, preparing us for the work of ministry and the Resurrection Feast we are awaiting.
Join your Sojourn Houston brothers and sisters every Monday
anytime between 11:30am-12:30pm to pray together through a virtual meeting.